Kalachakra Tibetan Incense Sticks, set of three packs | Vajracrafts Kalachakra Tibetan Incense Sticks, set of three packs | Vajracrafts Kalachakra Tibetan Incense Sticks, set of three packs | Vajracrafts Kalachakra Tibetan Incense Sticks, set of three packs | Vajracrafts Kalachakra Tibetan Incense Sticks, set of three packs | Vajracrafts

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Kalachakra Tibetan Incense Sticks, set of three packs


Kalachakra Tibetan Incense Sticks are high quality Tibetan hand rolled sticks. It is made with 25 in accordance with ancient scripture under the instruction oof Mr. Pasang Yonten. The rare herbs used are grown naturally in the Himalayas. They are carefully collected to protect the environment and shade dried to preserve their sent and quality. The incense sticks are entirely and are devoid of any synthetic substances.

Wisdom Tibetan incense sticks are especially rich in Himalayan floral incense materials like Nagi, red and white sandalwood, saffron, cardamom, cloves, Balu, Sunpati, nutmeg and artemisia from Tibet. it is non-toxic .It soothes mental distress, calms agitation and during meditation, it helps to open the mind.

This listing is set of 3 packs.

Size: 6 inches
Quantity: 20 sticks
Weight: 65 grams